
Modulo con Sensore di prossimità ottico riflettente infrarosso TCRT5000 per Arduino 950mm 5V 3AModulo con Sensore di prossimità ottico riflettente infrarosso TCRT5000 per Arduino 950mm 5V 3A
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MQ-7 CO Sensore Modulo, gas SensoreMQ-7 CO Sensore Modulo, gas Sensore
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VS1003 MP3 Modulo, onboard MicrofonoVS1003 MP3 Modulo, onboard Microfono
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Frequenza and PWM signal output can be adjusted ModuloFrequenza and PWM signal output can be adjusted Modulo
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LM386 200 a gain, audio Amplificatore ModuloLM386 200 a gain, audio Amplificatore Modulo
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Vibrazione trigger delay circuit, Delay Modulo, precise time, can be accessed by a variety of Sensore to triggerVibrazione trigger delay circuit, Delay Modulo, precise time, can be accessed by a variety of Sensore to trigger
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1W LED drive, 350mA PWM dimming input 5-35V DC-DC step-down constant current Modulo1W LED drive, 350mA PWM dimming input 5-35V DC-DC step-down constant current Modulo
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Sensore Corrente SCT 013-030Sensore Corrente SCT 013-030
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Xbee USB explorerXbee USB explorer
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USB-to-TTL, support 3.3V 5V dual power, FT232RL Arduino FTDI MWC debuggerUSB-to-TTL, support 3.3V 5V dual power, FT232RL Arduino FTDI MWC debugger
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The USB TO TTL/RS485 dual function dual protectionThe USB TO TTL/RS485 dual function dual protection
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MPU-6050 Modulo the triaxial Digitale Giroscopio 6DOF ModuloMPU-6050 Modulo the triaxial Digitale Giroscopio 6DOF Modulo
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DC-DC Car Laptop Power,10-32V turn Regolabile from 12-35V Boost Modulo, 150WDC-DC Car Laptop Power,10-32V turn Regolabile from 12-35V Boost Modulo, 150W
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LM2587 high-power Modulo, terminal block DC-DC step-up Modulo, super lm2577 (peak 5A)LM2587 high-power Modulo, terminal block DC-DC step-up Modulo, super lm2577 (peak 5A)
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nine axis freedom degree IMU Sensore ITG3200/ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085 Modulo ultra-piccolo (ITG3205 + the ADXL345 + HMC5nine axis freedom degree IMU Sensore ITG3200/ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085 Modulo ultra-piccolo (ITG3205 + the ADXL345 + HMC5
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Convertitore Adattatore da PLCC28 a DIP24 compatibile Programmatori TL866Convertitore Adattatore da PLCC28 a DIP24 compatibile Programmatori TL866
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Breadboard transparent 830pins per ArduinoBreadboard transparent 830pins per Arduino
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Transparent, mini bread plate, 400 holes, mini bread plate (transparent) 83X55 mmTransparent, mini bread plate, 400 holes, mini bread plate (transparent) 83X55 mm
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Raspberry PI pure Alluminio Dissipatore kitRaspberry PI pure Alluminio Dissipatore kit
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Micro USB for Raspberry PIMicro USB for Raspberry PI
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1/4 w colored ring Resistenze Kits, 2.7K-68K 10 Pezzi of 26kinds: 2.7K 3K 3.3K 3.6K 4.7K 5.1K 5.6K 6.2K 6.8K 10K 12K 15K 18K 201/4 w colored ring Resistenze Kits, 2.7K-68K 10 Pezzi of 26kinds: 2.7K 3K 3.3K 3.6K 4.7K 5.1K 5.6K 6.2K 6.8K 10K 12K 15K 18K 20
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4 Pezzi U.FL-R-SMT(10) IC Circuiti Integrati4 Pezzi U.FL-R-SMT(10) IC Circuiti Integrati
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2 Pezzi KBPC3510 IC Circuiti Integrati2 Pezzi KBPC3510 IC Circuiti Integrati
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US-020 Ultrasuoni ranging Modulo, 5V, can be measured 7MUS-020 Ultrasuoni ranging Modulo, 5V, can be measured 7M
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40 * 40mm TEC1-12706, semiconductor refrigeration, 12V6A cooling chip peltier40 * 40mm TEC1-12706, semiconductor refrigeration, 12V6A cooling chip peltier
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SYB-500 combination breadboard (four combination packages) universal board / experimental boardSYB-500 combination breadboard (four combination packages) universal board / experimental board
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AVRISP USBASP STK500 10PIN turn 6PIN Adattatore boardAVRISP USBASP STK500 10PIN turn 6PIN Adattatore board
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SMA antenna, elbow antenna, car antenna, GPRS DTU the 5cm centimeters GSM piccolo antennaSMA antenna, elbow antenna, car antenna, GPRS DTU the 5cm centimeters GSM piccolo antenna
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4 Pezzi Red 2*40 2.54 in rame placcato in oro, Maschio pin header4 Pezzi Red 2*40 2.54 in rame placcato in oro, Maschio pin header
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4 Pezzi Blue 2*40 2.54 in rame placcato in oro, Maschio pin header4 Pezzi Blue 2*40 2.54 in rame placcato in oro, Maschio pin header
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50 Pezzi RV2-6 Capicorda ad occhiello, round Terminali, Preisolati terminal lug, copper wiring nose50 Pezzi RV2-6 Capicorda ad occhiello, round Terminali, Preisolati terminal lug, copper wiring nose
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100 Pezzi PTV5.5-13 Capicorda terminali, the copper ear copper nose, Terminali, pin Preisolati Terminali100 Pezzi PTV5.5-13 Capicorda terminali, the copper ear copper nose, Terminali, pin Preisolati Terminali
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100 Pezzi SV1.25-3.2 Capicorda isolati, Terminali, crimp connection ends, U-shaped lugs, ferrules.100 Pezzi SV1.25-3.2 Capicorda isolati, Terminali, crimp connection ends, U-shaped lugs, ferrules.
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Logic Analyzer, USB Saleae 24M 8CH, logic analyzer USBee AX dual functionLogic Analyzer, USB Saleae 24M 8CH, logic analyzer USBee AX dual function
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BC04-A Bluetooth Modulo, Bluetooth Seriale Modulo, Bluetooth to Seriale, Bluetooth Seriale AdattatoreBC04-A Bluetooth Modulo, Bluetooth Seriale Modulo, Bluetooth to Seriale, Bluetooth Seriale Adattatore
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Digitale Temperatura and Sensore Umidità, Sensore Umidità, Umidità Modulo AM2305Digitale Temperatura and Sensore Umidità, Sensore Umidità, Umidità Modulo AM2305
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Doppio Driver L9110S Ponte H per motori passo passo Arduino H bridgeDoppio Driver L9110S Ponte H per motori passo passo Arduino H bridge
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1-8S latest combo Batteria monitor, BB ring low Pressione alarm, Elettrico display, dual-function P3091-8S latest combo Batteria monitor, BB ring low Pressione alarm, Elettrico display, dual-function P309
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Wii WiiChuck Adattatore Nunchuck piccolo plate per ArduinoWii WiiChuck Adattatore Nunchuck piccolo plate per Arduino
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20 Pezzi Diodi Led SMD 0603 Verde Alta Luminosità20 Pezzi Diodi Led SMD 0603 Verde Alta Luminosità
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MAX7219, Digitale display Modulo, the control ModuloMAX7219, Digitale display Modulo, the control Modulo
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MQ-3 MQ3 alcohol Sensore, alcohol Sensore, alcohol gas SensoreMQ-3 MQ3 alcohol Sensore, alcohol Sensore, alcohol gas Sensore
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MQ-9, a carbon monoxide Sensore Modulo, gas SensoreMQ-9, a carbon monoxide Sensore Modulo, gas Sensore
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20 Pezzi 2.54 DuPont line, the line length 20CM20 Pezzi 2.54 DuPont line, the line length 20CM
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10 Cavi con Pinze a Coccodrillo clips alligator test lead 5 colori lunghezza 50CM10 Cavi con Pinze a Coccodrillo clips alligator test lead 5 colori lunghezza 50CM
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1322 toggle Pulsante, toggle Pulsante, toggle Pulsante, rocker Pulsante, double / six feet1322 toggle Pulsante, toggle Pulsante, toggle Pulsante, rocker Pulsante, double / six feet
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5 slot AA contenitore batterie5 slot AA contenitore batterie
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